Michael C. B. Ashley
M.S. (Caltech), B.Sc., Ph.D. (ANU)
Professor in the School of
Physics at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Research Interests
- Astronomy from Antarctica: this is the last great frontier for ground-based astronomy.
Our group at UNSW has been leading the Australian push to establish an
telescope on the Antarctic plateau and has successfully run
instruments at the US Amundsen-Scott South Pole station since 1994. I have traveled
to Antarctica to work on astronomical experiments in
1998, 2001,
2004, and
(click on the links for my diaries of these trips). Ten of our
graduate students have been to the Pole during this time.
- Robotic telescopes: I am collaborating with Craig
Kulesa from the University of Arizona on HEAT, a 0.6m terahertz
telescope at Ridge A in Antarctica. I am collaborating with a
colleagues in China on AST3, a 0.5m optical telescope at Dome A in
Antarctica. I am collaborating with Annd Moore from Caltech on
Gattini-SPUV, an ultraviolet camera at the US Amundsen Scott South
Pole station. I run the UNSW
Automated Patrol Telescope,
at Siding Spring Observatory, about 500 km from Sydney. As of 2012, The Automated
Patrol Telescope is currently off-line pending hardware upgrades. It was most recently used to
conduct searches for transiting planets). I also
collaborate with Prof. Carl Akerlof's group
(University of Michigan) on a 3rd-generation robotic telescope,
ROTSE-IIIa. The photo shows, from left to right, the
Upsalla, ROTSE-IIIa, and the Automated Patrol Telescope.
ROTSE-IIIa has successfully detected several
optical transients from gamma ray bursts.
- Instrumentation & computing: my long term interests include electronics, optics, and
computing (both computer hardware and software) with the goal of
building new and interesting astronomical instruments. I have been a contributor to the
Linux kernel, and program mostly in C, Java, perl, and python.
Jupyter notebooks on various aspects of Physics
Measuring fringe separation and a PDF
Fitting a straight line and a PDF
Writing numbers with uncertainties and a PDF
Numerical integration of ODEs
Random numbers
Introduction to blockchain
Most of my teaching material is on-line for UNSW students only. The first link below is one exception, and contains some interesting programs written in C.
PHYS2020 Computational Physics, a course I wrote in 2004. I would now recommend python instead of C for such a course.
SCIF1121 Physics
PHYS2630 Electronics
PHYS3160 Astrophysics of stars
PHYS3630 Electronics, hasn't run since 2006.
GENS4001 Astronomy, since replaced with an on-line course.
Climate change
Web pages
PLATO at Dome A
PLATO-A at Dome A
PLATO-F at Dome F
PLATO-R at Ridge A
Using an Iridium phone with GNU/Linux and PPP
C programming course and tutorial
The Automated Patrol Telescope
Superb seeing at Dome C
ROTSE hardware manual
South Pole Diary 2004
South Pole Diary 2001
South Pole Diary 1995
How to use SNMP with an Engenius ENH500
Bosch dishwasher E18 error code
Bosch dishwasher E27 error code
Mail address:
Prof. M. Ashley
School of Physics
The University of New South Wales
Courier address:
Prof. M. Ashley
School of Physics, Physics Store
Newton Bldg J12, Ground Floor
Room G09, via Gate 14, Barker Street
Email: m.ashley@unsw.edu.au; phone +61 2 9385 5465; fax +61 2 9385 6060
Office location:
Room 137, first floor, Old Main Building. The Old Main Building is directly
in front of you when you enter UNSW from Gate 14, Barker Street. When
you get to the first floor you will need to enter the locked glass doors
of the Astro Dept - use the phone on the wall to dial my extension 55465.
Opportunities for internships, practicums, research training, work
experience, apprenticeships, scholarships
I am sorry, but I do not have any money available to pay for
your travel/visa/accommodation/scholarship/university fees/living
expenses/medical insurance etc. I will only reply to e-mails if (1)
you have your own funding, and (2) provide evidence of an
exceptionally strong undergraduate record. You should also search the
UNSW website for information on Practicums.
Research results, July 2020: superb seeing from Dome A, Antarctica
Our Nature article on seeing measurements from Dome A
Research results, January 2012: a terahertz observatory in Antarctica

PLATO-R, the PLATeau Observatory for
Ridge A, is a self-contained automated platform for conducting
year-round experiments completely robotically from the Antarctic
plateau. It is the result of a scientific collaboration between the
University of Arizona and the University of New South Wales.
PLATO-R runs without any human intervention on site. In fact, the
closest person is 928 km away and there is no possibility of any
maintenance to PLATO-R until January 2013. PLATO-R has to generate its
own electricity and heat, and is responsible for its own internet
connectivity. The observatory supports HEAT, a 0.6m terahertz telescope
built by the University of Arizona.
PLATO-R was taken to Ridge A by members of the University of
Arizona and University of New South Wales, over a three day period
beginning on 20 January 2012.
Research results, 2008-2012: PLATO and PLATO-A
PLATO, the PLATeau Observatory for
Dome A, is a collaboration between our group at the University of New South Wales and a number
of institutions in China and the US.
Research results, June 2006: the possible detection of
Kuiper Belt Objects
With my PhD student George Georgevits and Will Saunders of the
Anglo-Australian Observatory, we believe we have detected the signature
of hundreds of Kuiper Belt Objects through stellar occultations. George
presented the results at a workshop in Catania in early July 2006. More
details are in this News
Focus article from Science,
and in my
interview on Robyn Williams' Science show. Image
credit: DAN DURDA/FIAAA showing the collision between
two Kuiper Belt Objects.
Research results, June 2006: a
prompt optical detection of a
gamma-ray burst by ROTSE-IIIa

On 5 June 2006, the UNSW ROTSE-IIIa telescope at Siding Spring
Observatory responded to an alert from the Swift satellite and within
5.4 seconds had taken its first image. We reported our detection to the
GCN e-mail exploder within 9 minutes. The figure shows the
ROTSE-IIIa observations in red, the Swift/BAT gamma-ray observations in
blue, and the Swift x-ray observations in green. This is just one of a
handful of gamma-ray bursts that have been observed in the optical at
such early times. The burst has a redshift of 3.8.
Recent research results, May 2006: the
discovery of a significant
K7V eclipsing binary system with the Automated Patrol Telescope
Here is the light curve of UNSW TR-2, obtained with the
Automated Patrol Telescope. Spectroscopic follow-up shows that this
is an eclipsing binary system with two K7Ve stars. Only 6 other
similar systems are known that give well-constrained radii and masses
for such low mass stars. This is important since theory
underestimates the radii of these stars by 10%. UNSW TR-2 also shows
an asymmetry in the timing of the secondary eclipse that could be
due to the presence of a planetary system. More details are in
our MNRAS paper Young et al., 2006, A New
Detached K7 Dwarf Eclipsing Binary System, MNRAS, 370,
The following image shows what the binary star system UNSW-TR-2 could
look like rising above the Malabar
headland in Sydney. The star diameters, separation, and colours are
approximately correct.

Research results, September 2004: the discovery of superb
astronomical seeing during wintertime at Dome C, Antarctica
Using a completely robotic observatory, the AASTINO, built at UNSW, we
made the first wintertime astronomical seeing measurements from
Dome C in 2004. These showed that the average seeing was 0.27
arcseconds, and the seeing was better than 0.15 arcseconds for 25% of
the time. More details are in our Nature
paper: Lawrence, Ashley,
Tokovinin, and Travouillon, 2004,
astronomical seeing conditions above Dome C in Antarctica,
Nature, 431, 278–281, and on our web site.
The AASTINO is the green structure in the image below, which shows
Concordia station at Dome C, Antarctica.

The image on the left below is a simulation of
a star field as observed from
the best existing observatory sites; the image in the middle is the
same star field as observed from Dome C. To see as many stars from a
mid-latitude observatory, you would need to build a telescope 2.5 times
bigger, which would cost ten times as much, and would give the image on
the right, which makes the stars look brighter but doesn't improve the
sharpness of the image.
Mid-latitude view
C view
with a 2.5x larger

[P1] Ashley, M. C. B., 2003,
CCD readout method,
Australian patent 759445.
Category A (refereed journals or other publications of eminence in the discipline (e.g., Proc. SPIE))
[A180] Yang, Xu, Hu, Yi, Shang, Zhaohui, Ma, Bin, Ashley, Michael C. B., Cui, Xiangqun, Du, Fujia, Fu, Jianning, Gong, Xuefei, Gu, Bozhong, Jiang, Peng, Li, Xiaoyan, Li, Zhengyang, Tao, Charling, Wang, Lifan, Xu, Lingzhe, Yang, Shi-hai, Yu, Ce, Yuan, Xiangyan, Zhou, Ji-lin, Zhu, Zhenxi, 2023,
Data release of the AST3-2 automatic survey from Dome A, Antarctica,
MNRAS, {520}, 5635–5650., doi:10.1093/mnras/stad498, Apr/2023
[A179] De, Kishalay, Mereminskiy, Ilya, Soria, Roberto, Conroy, Charlie, Kara, Erin, Anand, Shreya, Ashley, Michael C. B., Boyer, Martha L., Chakrabarty, Deepto, Grefenstette, Brian, Hankins, Matthew J., Hillenbrand, Lynne A., Jencson, Jacob E., Karambelkar, Viraj, Kasliwal, Mansi M., Lau, Ryan M., Lutovinov, Alexander, Moore, Anna M., Ng, Mason, Panagiotou, Christos, Pasham, Dheeraj R., Semena, Andrey, Simcoe, Robert, Soon, Jamie, Srinivasaragavan, Gokul P., Travouillon, Tony, Yao, Yuhan, 2022,
SRGA J181414.6-225604: A New Galactic Symbiotic X-Ray Binary Outburst Triggered by an Intense Mass-loss Episode of a Heavily Obscured Mira Variable,
Astrophysical Journal, {935}, 36., doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac7c6e, Aug/2022
[A178] Zhang, Jun, Zhang, Yi-hao, Tang, Qi-Jie, Wang, Jian, Jiang, Peng, Ashley, Michael C. B., Ji, Tuo, Zhang, Shao-hua, Feng, Qi, Wang, Zhi-yue, Zeng, Feng, Zhang, Hong-fei, Chen, Jin-ting, Chen, Jie, Jia, Ming-hao, Zhang, Guang-yu, Zhou, Hong-yan, hu, Yi, Wang, Lifan, Zhu, Qing-feng, 2023,
Sky brightness measurements in J, H, and ks bands at DOME A with NISBM, and its early results,
MNRAS, doi:10.1093/mnras/stad775, Mar/2023
[A177] Lutovinov, A. A., Tsygankov, S. S., Mereminskiy, I. A., Molkov, S. V., Semena, A. N., Arefiev, V. A., Bikmaev, I. F., Djupvik, A. A., Gilfanov, M. R., Karasev, D. I., Lapshov, I. Yu., Medvedev, P. S., Shtykovsky, A. E., Sunyaev, R. A., Tkachenko, A. Yu., Anand, S., Ashley, M. C. B., De, K., Kasliwal, M. M., Kulkarni, S. R., van Roestel, J., Yao, Y., 2022,
SRG/ART-XC discovery of SRGA J204318.2+443815: Towards the complete population of faint X-ray pulsars,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, {661}, A28., doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202141630, May/2022
[A176] Srinivasaragavan, G. P., Sfaradi, I., Jencson, J., De, K., Horesh, A., Kasliwal, M. M., Tinyanont, S., Hankins, M., Schulze, S., Ashley, M. C. B., Graham, M. J., Karambelkar, V., Lau, R., Mahabal, A. A., Moore, A. M., Ofek, E. O., Sharma, Y., Sollerman, J., Soon, J., Soria, R., Travouillon, T., Walters, R., 2022,
PGIR 20eid (SN 2020qmp): A Type IIP Supernova at 15.6 Mpc discovered by the Palomar Gattini-IR survey,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, {660}, A138., doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202142158, Apr/2022
[A175] De, Kishalay, Chakrabarty, Deepto, Soria, Roberto, Ashley, Michael C. B., Conroy, Charlie, Hankins, Matthew J., Kasliwal, Mansi M., Lau, Ryan M., Moore, Anna M., Simcoe, Robert, Soon, Jamie, Travouillon, Tony, 2022,
A Massive AGB Donor in Scutum X-1: Identification of the First Mira Variable in an X-Ray Binary,
Astrophysical Journal, {928}, L8., doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ac5b11, Mar/2022
[A174] Hillenbrand, Lynne A., De, Kishalay, Hankins, Matthew, Kasliwal, Mansi M., Rebull, Luisa M., Lau, Ryan M., Cutri, Roc M., Ashley, Michael C. B., Karambelkar, Viraj R., Moore, Anna M., Travouillon, T., Mainzer, A. K., 2021,
Outbursting Young Stellar Object PGIR 20dci in the Perseus Arm,
Astronomical Journal, {161}, 220., doi:10.3847/1538-3881/abe406, May/2021
[A173] Sollerman, J., Yang, S., Schulze, S., Strotjohann, N. L., Jerkstrand, A., Van Dyk, S. D., Kool, E. C., Barbarino, C., Brink, T. G., Bruch, R., De, K., Filippenko, A. V., Fremling, C., Patra, K. C., Perley, D., Yan, L., Yang, Y., Andreoni, I., Campbell, R., Coughlin, M., Kasliwal, M., Kim, Y. -L., Rigault, M., Shin, K., Tzanidakis, A., Ashley, M. C. B., Moore, A. M., Travouillon, T., 2021,
The Type II supernova SN 2020jfo in M 61, implications for progenitor system, and explosion dynamics,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, {655}, A105., doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202141374, Nov/2021
[A172] Lau, Ryan M., Tinyanont, Samaporn, Hankins, Matthew J., Ashley, Michael C. B., De, Kishalay, Filippenko, Alexei V., Hillenbrand, Lynne A., Kasliwal, Mansi M., Mauerhan, Jon C., Moffat, Anthony F. J., Moore, Anna M., Smith, Nathan, Soon, Jamie, Soria, Roberto, Travouillon, Tony, van der Hucht, Karel A., Williams, Peredur M., Zheng, WeiKang, 2021,
Discovery of a 310 Day Period from the Enshrouded Massive System NaSt1 (WR 122),
Astrophysical Journal, {922}, 5., doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac2237, Nov/2021
[A171] De, Kishalay, Kasliwal, Mansi M., Hankins, Matthew J., Sokoloski, Jennifer L., Adams, Scott M., Ashley, Michael C. B., Babul, Aliya-Nur, Bagdasaryan, Ashot, Delacroix, Alexandre, Dekany, Richard, Greffe, Timothée, Hale, David, Jencson, Jacob E., Karambelkar, Viraj R., Lau, Ryan M., Mahabal, Ashish, McKenna, Daniel, Moore, Anna M., Ofek, Eran O., Sharma, Manasi, Smith, Roger M., Soon, Jamie, Soria, Roberto, Srinivasaragavan, Gokul, Tinyanont, Samaporn, Travouillon, Tony, Tzanidakis, Anastasios, Yao, Yuhan, 2021,
A Population of Heavily Reddened, Optically Missed Novae from Palomar Gattini-IR: Constraints on the Galactic Nova Rate,
Astrophysical Journal, {912}, 19., doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abeb75, May/2021
[A170] Yang, Xu, Shang, Zhaohui, Hu, Keliang, Hu, Yi, Ma, Bin, Wang, Yongjiang, Cao, Zihuang, Ashley, Michael C. B., Wang, Wei, 2021,
Cloud cover and aurora contamination at dome A in 2017 from KLCAM,
MNRAS, {501}, 3614–3620., doi:10.1093/mnras/staa3824, Mar/2021
[A169] Karambelkar, Viraj R., Kasliwal, Mansi M., Tisserand, Patrick, De, Kishalay, Anand, Shreya, Ashley, Michael C. B., Delacroix, Alex, Hankins, Matthew, Jencson, Jacob E., Lau, Ryan M., McKenna, Dan, Moore, Anna, Ofek, Eran O., Smith, Roger M., Soria, Roberto, Soon, Jamie, Tinyanont, Samaporn, Travouillon, Tony, Yao, Yuhan, 2021,
Census of R Coronae Borealis Stars. I. Infrared Light Curves from Palomar Gattini IR,
Astrophysical Journal, {910}, 132., doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abe5aa, Apr/2021
[A168] De, Kishalay, Ashley, Michael C. B., Andreoni, Igor, Kasliwal, Mansi M., Soria, Roberto, Srinivasaragavan, Gokul P., Cai, Ce, Delacroix, Alexander, Greffe, Tim, Hale, David, Hankins, Matthew J., Li, Chengkui, McKenna, Daniel, Moore, Anna M., Ofek, Eran O., Smith, Roger M., Soon, Jamie, Travouillon, Tony, Zhang, Shuangnan, 2020,
Constraining the X-Ray-Infrared Spectral Index of Second-timescale Flares from SGR 1935+2154 with Palomar Gattini-IR,
Astrophysical Journal, {901}, L7., doi:10.3847/2041-8213/abb3c5, Sep/2020
[A167] Ma, B., Shang, Z., Hu, Y., Hu, K., Wang, Y., Yang, X., Ashley, M. C. B., Hickson, P., and Jiang, P., 2020,
Night-time measurements of astronomical seeing at Dome A in Antarctica,
Nature, doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2489-0
[A166] Ding, Minghu, Tian, Biao, Ashley, Michael C. B., Putero, Davide, Zhu, Zhenxi, Wang, Lifan, Yang, Shihai, Li, Chuanjin, Xiao, Cunde, 2020,
Year-round record of near-surface ozone and O$_3$ enhancement events (OEEs) at Dome A, East Antarctica,
Earth System Science Data, {12}, 3529–3544., doi:10.5194/essd-12-3529-2020, Dec/2020
[A165] Ma, Bin, Hu, Yi, Shang, Zhaohui, Hu, Keliang and Wang, Yongjiang, Yang, Xu, Ashley, Michael C. B. and Yuan, Xiangyan, Wang, Lifan, 2020,
Automation of the AST3 optical sky survey from Dome A, Antarctica,
MNRAS, {496}, 2768–2775., doi:10.1093/mnras/staa1730, Jun/2020
[A164] Liang, En-Si, Zhang, Hui, Yu, Zhouyi, Yang, Ming and Zhou, Ji-lin, Ashley, Michael C. B., Cui, Xiangqun and Du, Fujia, Fu, Jianning, Gong, Xuefei, Gu, Bozhong and Hu, Lei, Hu, Yi, Jiang, Peng, Liu, Huigen and Lawrence, Jon, Liu, Qiang, Li, Xiaoyan, Li, Zhengyang and Ma, Bin, Mould, Jeremy, Shang, Zhaohui, Sun, Tianrui and Suntzeff, Nicholas B., Tao, Charling, Tian, Qiguo and Tinney, C. G., Uddin, Syed A., Wang, Lifan and Wang, Songhu, Wang, Xiaofeng, Wei, Peng and Wright, Duncan, Wu, Xuefeng, Wittenmyer, Robert A. and Xu, Lingzhe, Yang, Shihai, Yu, Ce, Yuan, Xiangyan and Zheng, Jessica, Zhou, Hongyan, Zhu, Zhenxi, 2020,
Exoplanets in the Antarctic Sky. III. Stellar Flares Found by AST3-II (CHESPA) within the Southern CVZ of TESS,
Astronomical Journal, {159}, 201., doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab7ea8, May/2020
[A163] Soon, Jamie, Adams, David, De, Kishalay, Galla, Antony and Hankins, Matthew, Kasliwal, Mansi M., Moore, Anna M. and Adams, Scott M., Antoszewski, Jarek, Ashley, Michael and Babul, Aliya-Nur, Bland-Hawthorn, Joss, Cooke, Jeff and De Marco, Orsola, Delacroix, Alexandre and Devillepoix, Hadrien, Ellis, Simon C., Freeman, Ken C. and Hale, David, Heger, Alexander, Jencson, Jacob E. and Lau, Ryan M., McKenna, Daniel, Ofek, Eran and Ryder, Stuart, Simcoe, Robert, Sokoloski, Jennifer L. and Soria, Roberto, Smith, Roger M., Travouillon, Tony D., 2020,
Wide-field dynamic astronomy in the near-infrared with Palomar Gattini-IR and DREAMS,
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, {11203}, 1120307., doi:10.1117/12.2539594, Jan/2020
[A162] Coughlin, Michael W., Ahumada, Tomás, Anand, Shreya and De, Kishalay, Hankins, Matthew J., Kasliwal, Mansi M. and Singer, Leo P., Bellm, Eric C., Andreoni, Igor and Cenko, S. Bradley, Cooke, Jeff and Copperwheat, Christopher M., Dugas, Alison M. and Jencson, Jacob E., Perley, Daniel A., Yu, Po-Chieh and Bhalerao, Varun, Kumar, Harsh, Bloom, Joshua S. and Anupama, G. C., Ashley, Michael C. B., Bagdasaryan, Ashot and Biswas, Rahul, Buckley, David A. H., Burdge, Kevin B. and Cook, David O., Cromer, John, Cunningham, Virginia and D'A\`\i, Antonino, Dekany, Richard G., Delacroix, Alexand re, Dichiara, Simone, Duev, Dmitry A., Dutta, Anirban and Feeney, Michael, Frederick, Sara, Gatkine, Pradip and Ghosh, Shaon, Goldstein, Daniel A., Golkhou, V. Zach and Goobar, Ariel, Graham, Matthew J., Hanayama, Hidekazu and Horiuchi, Takashi, Hung, Tiara, Jha, Saurabh W. and Kong, Albert K. H., Giomi, Matteo, Kaplan, David L. and Karambelkar, V. R., Kowalski, Marek and Kulkarni, Shrinivas R., Kupfer, Thomas, Masci, Frank J. and Mazzali, Paolo, Moore, Anna M., Mogotsi, Moses and Neill, James D., Ngeow, Chow-Choong and Mart\'\inez-Palomera, Jorge, La Parola, Valentina and Pavana, M., Ofek, Eran O., Patil, Atharva Sunil and Riddle, Reed, Rigault, Mickael, Rusholme, Ben and Serabyn, Eugene, Shupe, David L., Sharma, Yashvi and Singh, Avinash, Sollerman, Jesper, Soon, Jamie and Staats, Kai, Taggart, Kirsty, Tan, Hanjie and Travouillon, Tony, Troja, Eleonora, Waratkar, Gaurav and Yatsu, Yoichi, 2019,
GROWTH on S190425z: Searching Thousands of Square Degrees to Identify an Optical or Infrared Counterpart to a Binary Neutron Star Merger with the Zwicky Transient Facility and Palomar Gattini-IR,
Astrophysical Journal, {885}, L19., doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ab4ad8, Nov/2019
[A161] De, Kishalay, Hankins, Matthew J., Kasliwal, Mansi M. and Moore, Anna M., Ofek, Eran O., Adams, Scott M. and Ashley, Michael C. B., Babul, Aliya-Nur and Bagdasaryan, Ashot, Burdge, Kevin B., Burnham, Jill and Dekany, Richard G., Declacroix, Alexander, Galla, Antony and Greffe, Tim, Hale, David, Jencson, Jacob E. and Lau, Ryan M., Mahabal, Ashish, McKenna, Daniel and Sharma, Manasi, Shopbell, Patrick L., Smith, Roger M. and Soon, Jamie, Sokoloski, Jennifer, Soria, Roberto and Travouillon, Tony, 2020,
Palomar Gattini-IR: Survey Overview, Data Processing System, On-sky Performance and First Results,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, {132}, 025001., doi:10.1088/1538-3873/ab6069, Feb/2020
[A160] Romano, D., Burton, M. G., Ashley, M. C. B., Molinari, S., Rebolledo, D., Braiding, C., Schisano, E., 2019,
The G332 molecular cloud ring: I. Morphology and physical characteristics,
MNRAS, 484, 2089–2118., doi:10.1093/mnras/sty3510, Apr/2019
[A159] Zhang, H., Yu, Z., Liang, E., Yang, M., Ashley, M. C. B., Cui, X., Du, F., Fu, J., Gong, X., Gu, B., 2019,
Exoplanets in the Antarctic Sky. II. 116 Transiting Exoplanet Candidates Found by AST3-II (CHESPA) within the Southern CVZ of TESS,
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 240, 17., doi:10.3847/1538-4365/aaf583, Feb/2019
[A158] Zhang, H., Yu, Z., Liang, E., Yang, M., Ashley, M. C. B., Cui, X., Du, F., Fu, J., Gong, X., Gu, B., 2019,
Exoplanets in the Antarctic Sky. I. The First Data Release of AST3-II (CHESPA) and New Found Variables within the Southern CVZ of TESS,
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 240, 16., doi:10.3847/1538-4365/aaec0c, Feb/2019
[A157] Hu, Y., Hu, K., Shang, Z., Ashley, M. C. B., Ma, B., Du, F., Li, Z., Liu, Q., Wang, W., Yang, S., 2019,
Meteorological Data from KLAWS-2G for an Astronomical Site Survey of Dome A, Antarctica,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 131, 015001., doi:10.1088/1538-3873/aae916, Jan/2019
[A156] Soon, J., Moore, A. M., Kasliwal, M. M., Lau, R. M., De, K., Travouillon, T. D., Jones, M. I., Ofek, E., Smith, R., Terebizh, V., McKenna, D., Hale, D., Delacroix, A., Adams, S. M., Jencson, J. E., Ashley, M., Burnham, J., Sokoloski, J. L., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Freeman, K. C., De Marco, O., Cooke, J., Bland, P., Ryder, S., Soria, R., Antoszewski, J., Heger, A., Spitler, L., Simcoe, R., 2018,
Opening the dynamic infrared sky,
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 10700, 107004D., doi:10.1117/12.2312731, Jul/2018
[A155] Ma, B., Shang, Z., Hu, Y., Hu, K., Liu, Q., Ashley, M. C. B., Cui, X., Du, F., Fan, D., Feng, L., Huang, F., Gu, B., He, B., Ji, T., Li, X., Li, Z., Liu, H., Tian, Q., Tao, C., Wang, D., Wang, L., Wang, S., Wang, X., Wei, P., Wu, J., Xu, L., Yang, S., Yang, M., Yang, Y., Yu, C., Yuan, X., Zhou, H., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, C., Zhou, J., Zhu, Z.-H., 2018,
The first release of the AST3-1 Point Source Catalogue from Dome A, Antarctica,
MNRAS, 479, 111–120., doi:10.1093/mnras/sty1392, Sep/2018
[A154] Hu, Lei, Wu, Xuefeng, Andreoni, Igor, Ashley, Michael C. B., Cooke, Jeff, Cui, Xiangqun, Du, Fujia, Dai, Zigao, Gu, Bozhong, Hu, Yi, Lu, Haiping, Li, Xiaoyan, Li, Zhengyang, Liang, Ensi, Liu, Liangduan, Ma, Bin, Shang, Zhaohui, Sun, Tianrui, Suntzeff, N. B., Tao, Charling, Udden, Syed A., Wang, Lifan, Wang, Xiaofeng, Wen, Haikun, Xiao, Di, Su, Jin, Yang, Ji, Yang, Shihai, Yuan, Xiangyan, Zhou, Hongyan, Zhang, Hui, Zhou, Jilin, Zhu, Zonghong, 2017,
Optical observations of LIGO source GW 170817 by the Antarctic Survey Telescopes at Dome A, Antarctica,
Science Bulletin, {62}, 1433–1438., doi:10.1016/j.scib.2017.10.006, Oct/2017
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[A139] Oelkers, R. J., Macri, L. M., Wang, L., Ashley, M. C. B., Cui, X., Feng, L.-L., Gong, X., Lawrence, J. S., Qiang, L., Luong-Van, D., Pennypacker, C. R., Yang, H., Yuan, X., York, D. G., Zhou, X., Zhu, Z., 2015,
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[A103] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Bailey, J., Barrado y Navascues, D., Bedding, T. R., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bond, I., Bruntt, H., Burton, M. G., Cioni, M.-R., Eiroa, C., Epchtein, N., Kiss, L., Lagage, P. O., Minier, V., Mora, A., Olsen, K., Persi, P., Saunders, W., Stello, D., Storey, J. W. V., Tinney, C., Yock, P., 2009,
The Science Case for PILOT III: the Nearby Universe,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 26, 415–438., doi:10.1071/AS08051, Nov/2009
[A102] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Bunker, A., Bouwens, R., Burgarella, D., Burton, M. G., Gehrels, N., Glazebrook, K., Pimbblet, K., Quimby, R., Saunders, W., Storey, J. W. V., Wheeler, J. C., 2009,
The Science Case for PILOT II: the Distant Universe,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 26, 397–414., doi:10.1071/AS08049, Nov/2009
[A101] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Bailey, J., Barrado y Navascues, D., Bedding, T. R., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bond, I., Boulanger, F., Bouwens, R., Bruntt, H., Bunker, A., Burgarella, D., Burton, M. G., Busso, M., Coward, D., Cioni, M.-R., Durand, G., Eiroa, C., Epchtein, N., Gehrels, N., Gillingham, P., Glazebrook, K., Haynes, R., Kiss, L., Lagage, P. O., Le Bertre, T., Mackay, C., Maillard, J. P., McGrath, A., Minier, V., Mora, A., Olsen, K., Persi, P., Pimbblet, K., Quimby, R., Saunders, W., Schmidt, B., Stello, D., Storey, J. W. V., Tinney, C., Tremblin, P., Wheeler, J. C., Yock, P., 2009,
The Science Case for PILOT I: Summary and Overview,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 26, 379–396., doi:10.1071/AS08048, Nov/2009
[A100] Saunders, W., Lawrence, J. S., Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Kato, S., Minnis, P., Winker, D. M., Liu, G., Kulesa, C., 2009,
Where Is the Best Site on Earth? Domes A, B, C, and F, and Ridges A and B,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 121, 976–992., doi:10.1086/605780, Sep/2009
[A99] Derekas, A., Kiss, L. L., Bedding, T. R., Ashley, M. C. B., Csák, B., Danos, A., Fernandez, J. M., Fűrész, G., Mészáros, S., Szabó, G. M., Szakáts, R., Székely, P., Szatmáry, K., 2009,
Binarity and multiperiodicity in high-amplitude δ Scuti stars,
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[A98] Yang, H., Allen, G., Ashley, M.C.B., Bonner, C.S., Bradley, S., Cui, X., Everett, J.R., Feng, L., Gong, X., Hengst, S., Hu, J., Jiang, Z., Kulesa, C.A., Lawrence, J.S., Li, Y., Luong-Van, D., McCaughrean, M.J., Moore, A.M., Pennypacker, C., Qin, W., Riddle, R., Shang, Z., Storey, J.W.V., Sun, B., Suntzeff, N., Tothill, N.F.H., Travouillon, T., Walker, C.K., Wang, L., Yan, J., Yang, J., York, D., Yuan, X., Zhang, X., Zhang, Z., Zhou, X., and Zhu, Z., 2009,
The PLATO Dome A Site-Testing Observatory: Instrumentation and First Results,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 121, pp.174–184.
[A97] Lawrence, J., Ashley, M., Storey, J., Jolissiant, L, and Travouillon, T., 2008,
Adaptive optics sky coverage for Dome C telescopes,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 120, pp.1119–1127.
[A96] Luong-Van, D. M., Ashley, M. C. B., Everett, J. R., Lawrence, J. S., Storey, J. W. V., 2008,
PLATO control and robotics,
Proc. SPIE, 7019, 70192U-1–70192U-10, doi:10.1117/12.788557, Aug/2008
[A95] Yuan, X., Cui, X., Liu, G., Zhai, F., Gong, X., Zhang, R., Xia, L., Hu, J., Lawrence, J. S., Yan, J., Storey, J. W. V., Wang, L., Feng, L., Ashley, M. C. B., Zhou, X., Z.,, Jiang, and Zhu, Z., 2008,
Chinese Small Telescope ARray (CSTAR) for Antarctic Dome A,
Proc. SPIE, 7012, 70124G-1–70124G-8
[A94] Hengst, S., Allen, G. R., Ashley, M. C. B., Everett, J. R., Lawrence, J. S., Luong-Van, D. M., and Storey, J. W. V., 2008,
PLATO power: a robust low environmental impact power generation system for the Antarctic plateau,
Proc. SPIE, 7012, 70124E-1–70124E-10.
[A93] Miziarski, S., Ashley, M. C. B., Smith, G., Barden, S., Dawson, J., Horton, A., Saunders, W., Brzeski, J., Churilov, V., Klauser, U., Waller, L., Mayfield, D., Correll, D., Phillips, A., and Whittard, D., 2008,
Big innovations in a small instrument: technical challenges in a new CCD system design for the Automated Patrol Telescope,
Proc. SPIE, 7018, 70184G-1–70184G-10.
[A92] Bonner, C. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Lawrence, J. S., Storey, J. W. V., Luong-Van, D. M., and Bradley, S. G., 2008,
Snodar: a new instrument to measure the height of the boundary layer on the Antarctic plateau,
Proc. SPIE, 7014, 70146I-1–70146I-7.
[A91] Kulesa, C. A., Walker, C. K., Schein, M., Golish, D., Tothill, N., Siegel, P., Weinreb, S., Jones, G., Bardin, J., Jacobs, K., Martin, C. L., Storey, J., Ashley, M., Lawrence, J., Luong-Van, D., Everett, J., Wang, L., Feng, L., Zhu, Z., Yan, J., Yang, J., Zhang, X.-G., Cui, X., Yuan, X., Hu, J., Xu, Z., Jiang, Z., Yang, H., Li, Y., Sun, B., Qin, W., and Shang, Z., 2008,
Pre-HEAT: submillimeter site testing and astronomical spectra from Dome A, Antarctica,
Proc. SPIE, 7012, 701249-1–701249-11.
[A90] Lawrence, J. S., Allen, G. R., Ashley, M. C. B., Bonner, C., Bradley, S., Cui, X., Everett, J. R., Feng, L., Gong, X., Hengst, S., Hu, J., Jiang, Z., Kulesa, C. A., Li, Y., Luong-Van, D., Moore, A. M., Pennypacker, C., Qin, W., Riddle, R., Shang, Z., Storey, J. W. V., Sun, B., Suntzeff, N., Tothill, N. F. H., Travouillon, T., Walker, C. K., Wang, L., Yan, J., Yang, J., Yang, H., York, D., Yuan, X., Zhang, X. G., Zhang, Z., Zhou, X., and Zhu, Z., 2008,
The PLATO Antarctic site testing observatory,
Proc. SPIE, 7012, 701227-1–701227-12.
[A89] Moore, A., ..., Ashley, M. C. B., ... (47 other authors), 2008,
Gattini: a multisite campaign for the measurement of sky brightness in Antarctica,
Proc. SPIE, 7012, 701226-1–701226-10.
[A88] Christiansen, J. L., Derekas, A., Kiss, L. L., Ashley, M. C. B., Curran, S. J., Hamacher, D. W., Hidas, M. G., Thompson, M. R., Webb, J. K., Young, T. B. , 2008,
The University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search: a catalogue of variable stars from fields observed between 2004 and 2007,
MNRAS, 385, 1749–1763., doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.13013.x, Apr/2008
[A87] Christiansen, J. L., Derekas, A., Ashley, M. C. B., Webb, J. K., Hidas, M. G., Hamacher, D. W., and Kiss, L. L., 2007,
The first high-amplitude δ Scuti star in an eclipsing binary system,
MNRAS, 382, 239–244.
[A86] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Storey, J. W. V., 2007,
Dome C's Atmospheric Conditions: Implications for Astronomy,
Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 31, 221–227., doi:10.1016/j.chinastron.2007.04.007, Apr/2007
[A85] Yost, S. A., Aharonian, F., Akerlof, C. W., Ashley, M. C. B., Barthelmy, S., Gehrels, N., Göğüş, E., Güver, T., Horns, D., Kızıloğlu, Ü., Krimm, H. A., McKay, T. A., Özel, M., Phillips, A., Quimby, R. M., Rowell, G., Rujopakarn, W., Rykoff, E. S., Schaefer, B. E., Smith, D. A., Swan, H. F., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., Wren, J., Yuan, F., 2007,
The Dark Side of ROTSE-III Prompt GRB Observations,
Astrophysical Journal, 669, 1107–1114., doi:10.1086/521668, Nov/2007
[A84] Ruiz-Velasco, A. E., Swan, H., Troja, E., Malesani, D., Fynbo, J. P. U., Starling, R. L. C., Xu, D., Aharonian, F., Akerlof, C., Andersen, M. I., Ashley, M. C. B., Barthelmy, S. D., Bersier, D., Castro Cerón, J. M., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Gehrels, N., Göğüş, E., Gorosabel, J., Guidorzi, C., Güver, T., Hjorth, J., Horns, D., Huang, K. Y., Jakobsson, P., Jensen, B. L., Kızıloğlu, Ü., Kouveliotou, C., Krimm, H. A., Ledoux, C., Levan, A. J., Marsh, T., McKay, T., Melandri, A., Milvang-Jensen, B., Mundell, C. G., O'Brien, P. T., Özel, M., Phillips, A., Quimby, R., Rowell, G., Rujopakarn, W., Rykoff, E. S., Schaefer, B. E., Sollerman, J., Tanvir, N. R., Thöne, C. C., Urata, Y., Vestrand, W. T., Vreeswijk, P. M., Watson, D., Wheeler, J. C., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wren, J., Yost, S. A., Yuan, F., Zhai, M., Zheng, W. K., 2007,
Detection of GRB 060927 at z = 5.47: Implications for the Use of Gamma-Ray Bursts as Probes of the End of the Dark Ages,
Astrophysical Journal, 669, 1–9., doi:10.1086/521546, Nov/2007
[A83] Yost, S. A., Swan, H. F., Rykoff, E. S., Aharonian, F., Akerlof, C. W., Alday, A., Ashley, M. C. B., Barthelmy, S., Burrows, D., Depoy, D. L., Dufour, R. J., Eastman, J. D., Forgey, R. D., Gehrels, N., Göğüş, E., Güver, T., Halpern, J. P., Hardin, L. C., Horns, D., Kızıloğlu, Ü., Krimm, H. A., Lepine, S., Liang, E. P., Marshall, J. L., McKay, T. A., Mineo, T., Mirabal, N., Özel, M., Phillips, A., Prieto, J. L., Quimby, R. M., Romano, P., Rowell, G., Rujopakarn, W., Schaefer, B. E., Silverman, J. M., Siverd, R., Skinner, M., Smith, D. A., Smith, I. A., Tonnesen, S., Troja, E., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., Wren, J., Yuan, F., Zhang, B., 2007,
Exploring Broadband GRB Behavior during γ-Ray Emission,
Astrophysical Journal, 657, 925–941., doi:10.1086/510896, Mar/2007
[A82] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., and Storey, J. W. V., 2007,
Dome C atmospheric conditions: implications for astronomy,
Acta Astronomica Sinica, 48, 48–53.
[A81] Yost, S. A., Aharonian, F.,Akerlof, C. W., Ashley, M. C. B., Barthelmy, S., Gehrels, N., Göğüş, E., Güver, T., Horns, D., Kızıloğlu, U., Krimm, H. A., McKay, T. A., Özel, M., Phillips, A., Quimby, R. M., Rowell, G., Rujopakarn, W., Rykoff, E. S., Schaefer, B. E., Smith, D. A., Swan, H. F., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., Wren, J., and Yuan, F., 2006,
Status of the ROTSE-III telescope network,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 327, 803–805.
[A80] Shankland, P. D., Rivera, E. J., Laughlin, G., Blank, D. L., Price, A., Gary, B., Bissinger, R., Ringwald, F., White, G., Henry, G. W., McGee, P., Wolf, A. S., Carter, B., Lee, S., Biggs, J., Monard, B., and Ashley, M. C. B., 2006,
On the search for transits of the planets orbiting Gl 876,
Astrophysical Journal, 653, 700–707.
[A79] Moore, A., Aristidi, E., Ashley, M., Busso, M., Candidi, M., Everett, J., Kenyon, S., Lawrence, J., Luong-Van, D., Phillips, A., Le Roux, B., Ragazzoni, R., Salinari, P., Storey, J., Taylor, M., Tosti, G., and Travouillon, T., 2006,
Ground-layer turbulence profiling using a lunar SHABAR,
Proc. SPIE, 6269, 62695U-1–62695U-9.
[A78] Young, T. B., Hidas, M. G., Webb, J. K., Ashley, M. C. B., Chistiansen, J. L., Derekas, A. and Nutto, C., 2006,
A New Detached K7 Dwarf Eclipsing Binary System,
MNRAS, 370, 1529–1533.
[A77] York, D. G., Wang, L., Pennypacker, C., Cui, X., Cappellaro, E., Blouke, M., Lamb, D., Storey, J. W. V., Malina, R., Ashley, M. C. B., Basa, S., Zhou, X., Hu, J., Yuan, X., Harper, D., Sandford, D., Lawrence, J. S., and Thorburn, J., 2006,
A large array of telescopes in Antarctica with all-sky imaging every 5 seconds,
Proc. SPIE, 6267, 62671F-1–62671F-16.
[A76] Kenyon, S. L., Ashley, M. C. B., Everett, J. R., Lawrence, J. S., and Storey, J. W. V., 2006,
Nigel and the optical sky brightness at Dome C, Antarctica,
Proc. SPIE, 6267, 62671M-1–62671M-9.
[A75] Moore, A., Aristidi, E., Ashley, M., Busso, M., Candidi, M., Everett, J., Kenyon, S., Lawrence, J., Luong-Van, D., Phillips, A., Le Roux, B., Ragazzoni, R., Salinari, P., Storey, J., Taylor, M., Tosti, G., and Travouillon, T., 2006,
The Gattini cameras for optical sky brightness measurements in Antarctica,
Proc. SPIE, 6267, 62671N-1–62671N-11.
[A74] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., , Burton, M. G., Cui, X., Everett, J. R., Indermuehle, B. T., Kenyon, S. L., Luong-Van, D., Moore, A. M., Storey, J. W. V., Tokovinin, A., Travouillon, T., Pennypacker, C., Wang, L., and York, D., 2006,
Site testing Dome A, Antarctica,
Proc. SPIE, 6267, 62671L-1–62671L-9.
[A73] Storey, J. W. V., Angel, J. R. P., Lawrence, J. S., Hinz, P., Ashley, M. C. B., and Burton, M. G., 2006,
LAPCAT: the Large Antarctic Plateau Clear-Aperture Telescope,
Proc. SPIE, 6267, 62671E-1–62671E-11.
[A72] Kenyon, S. L., Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Storey, J. W. V., Tokovinin, A., and Fossat, E., 2006,
Atmospheric scintillation at Dome C, Antarctica: implications for photometry and astrometry,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 118, 924–932.
[A71] Quimby, R. M., Rykoff, E. S., Yost, S. A., Aharonian, F., Akerlof, C. W., Alatalo, K., Ashley, M. C. B., Göğüş, E., Güver, T., Horns, D., Kehoe, R. L., Kızıloğlu, U., Mckay, T. A., Özel, M., Phillips, A., Schaefer, B. E., Smith, D. A., Swan, H. F., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., and Wren, J., 2006,
Early-Time Observations of the GRB 050319 Optical Transient,
Astrophysical Journal, 640, 402–406.
[A70] Rykoff, E. S., Mangano, V., Yost, S. A., Sari, R., Aharonian, F., Akerlof, C. W., Ashley, M. C. B., Barthelmy, S. D., Burrows, D. N., Gehrels, N., Göğüş, E., Güver, T., Horns, D., Kızıloğlu, U., Krimm, H. A., McKay, T. A., Özel, M., Phillips, A., Quimby, R. M., Rowell, G., Rujopakarn, W., Schaefer, B. E., Smith, D. A., Swan, H. F., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., Wren, J., and Yuan, F., 2006,
The Anomalous Early Afterglow of GRB 050801,
Astrophysical Journal, 638, L5–8.
[A69] Yost, S. A., Alatalo, K., Rykoff, E. S., Aharonian, F., Akerlof, C. W., Ashley, M. C. B., Blake, C. H., Bloom, J. S., Boettcher, M., Falco, E. E., Göğüş, E., Güver, T., Halpern, J. P., Horns, D., Joshi, M., Kızıloğlu, U., McKay, T. A., Mirabal, N., Özel, M., Phillips, A., Quimby, R. M., Rujopakarn, W., Schaefer, B. E., Shields, J. C., Skrutskie, M., Smith, D. A., Starr, D. L., Swan, H. F., Szentgyorgyi, A., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., and Wren, J., 2006,
Optical Light Curve and Cooling Break of GRB 050502A,
Astrophysical Journal, 636, 959–966.
[A68] Rykoff, E. S., Yost, S. A., Krimm, H. A., Aharonian, F., Akerlof, C. W., Alatalo, K., Ashley, M. C. B., Barthelmy, S. D., Gehrels, N., Göğüş, E., Güver, T., Horns, D., Kızıloğlu, U., McKay, T. A., Özel, M., Phillips, A., Quimby, R. M., Rujopakarn, W., Schaefer, B. E., Smith, D. A., Swan, H. F., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., and Wren, J., 2005,
Prompt Optical Detection of GRB 050401 with ROTSE-IIIa,
Astrophysical Journal, 631, L121–124.
[A67] Hidas, M. G., Ashley, M. C. B., Webb, J. K., Irwin, M., Phillips, A., Toyozumi, H., Derekas, A., Christiansen, J. L., Nutto, C., and Crothers, S., 2005,
The University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search: methods and first results from a field centred on NGC 6633,
MNRAS, 360, 703–717.
[A66] Phillips, A. and Ashley, M. C. B., 2005,
Cloud imaging from meteorological satellites and its application to robotic observing,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 22, 306–310.
[A65] Burton, M. G., Lawrence, J., Ashley, M. C. B., Bailey, J. A., Blake, C., Bedding, T. R., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bond, I. A.,Glazebrook, K., Hidas, M. G., Lewis, G., Longmore, Maddison, S. T., Mattila, S., Minier, V., Ryder, S. D., Sharp, R., Smith, C. H., Storey, J. W. V., Tinney, C. G., Tuthill, P., Walsh, A. J., Walsh, W., Whiting, M., Wong, T., Woods, D. and Yock, P. C. M., 2005,
Science Programs for a 2m-class Telescope at Dome C, Antarctica: PILOT, the Pathfinder for an International Large Optical Telescope,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 22, 199–235.
[A64] Toyozumi, H. and Ashley, M. C. B., 2005,
Intra-pixel sensitivity variation, charge transfer inefficiency—results of CCD scans,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 22, 257–266.
[A63] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., and Storey, J. W. V., 2005,
A remote, autonomous laboratory for Antarctica with hybrid power generation,
Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2, 1–12.
[A62] Rykoff, E. S., Aharonian, F., Akerlof, C. W., Alatalo, K., Ashley, M. C. B., Güver, T., Horns, D., Kehoe, R. L., Kızıloğlu, U., McKay, T. A., Özel, M., Phillips, A., Quimby, R. M., Schaefer, B. E., Smith, D. A., Swan, H. F., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., Wren, J., and Yost, S. A., 2005,
A search for untriggered GRB afterglows with ROTSE-III,
Astrophysical Journal, 631, 1032–1038.
[A61] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Tokovinin, A., and Travouillon, T., 2004,
Exceptional astronomical seeing conditions above Dome C in Antarctica,
Nature, 431, 278–281.
[A60] Rykoff, E. S., Smith, D. A., Price, P. A., Akerlof, C. W., Ashley, M. C. B., Bizyaev, D., Garradd, G. J., McKay, T. A., McNaught, R. H., Phillips, A., Quimby, R., Schaefer, B., Schmidt, B., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., and Wren, J., 2004,
The Early Optical Afterglow of GRB 030418 and Progenitor Mass Loss,
Astrophysical Journal, 601, 1013–1018.
[A59] Rykoff, E. S., Akerlof, C. W., Ashley, M. C. B., Göğüş, E., Güver, T., Kızıloğlu, U., McKay, T. A., Özel, M., Phillips, A., Quimby, R., Smith, D. A., Thorstensen, J. R., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., and Wren, J., 2004,
Discovery of CVs ROTSE3 J151453.6+020934.2 and ROTSE3 J221519.8-003257.2,
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 5559, 1.
[A58] Calisse, P. G., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Phillips, M. A., Storey, J. W. V., Radford, S. J. E., and Peterson, J. B., 2004,
Submillimeter Site Testing at Dome C, Antarctica,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 21, 256–263.
[A57] Dempsey, J. T., Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Calisse, P. G., and Jarnyk, M. A., 2004,
AFOS: probing the UV-visible potential of the Antarctic plateau,
Proc. SPIE, Volume 5492, 811–821.
[A56] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C., Kenyon, S., Storey, J. W., Tokovinin, A. A., Lloyd, James P., and Swain, M. R., 2004,
A robotic instrument for measuring high altitude atmospheric turbulence from Dome C, Antarctica,
Proc. SPIE, Volume 5489, 174–179.
[A55] Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Lawrence, J. S., and Storey, J. W. V., 2004,
Robotic telescopes on the Antarctic plateau,
Astron. Nachr, No.6–8, 619–625.
[A54] Smith, D. A., Rykoff, E. S., Akerlof, C. W., Ashley, M. C., Bizyaev, D., McKay, T. A., Mukadam, A., Phillips, A., Quimby, R., Schaefer, B., Sullivan, D., Swan, H. F., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., and Wren, J., 2003,
ROTSE-III Observations of the Early Afterglow from GRB 030329,
Astrophysical Journal, 596, L151–154.
[A53] Travouillon, T., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Storey, J. W. V., Conroy, P., Hovey, G., Jarnyk, M., Sutherland, R., and Loewenstein, R. F., 2003,
Automated Shack-Hartmann seeing measurements at the South Pole,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 409, 1169–1173.
[A52] Travouillon, T., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Storey, J. W. V., and Loewenstein, R. F., 2003,
Atmospheric turbulence at the South Pole and its implications for astronomy,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 400, 1163–1172.
[A51] Akerlof, C. W., Ashley, M. C. B., Casperson, D. E., Epps, H. W., Kehoe, R. L., Marshall, S. L., McGowan, K. E., McKay, T. A., Phillips, M. A., Rykoff, E. S., Schier, J. A., Smith, D. A., Vestrand, W. T., Wozniak, P. R., and Wren, J. A., 2003,
The ROTSE-III Robotic Telescope System,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 115, 132–140.
[A50] Smith, D. A., Akerlof, C., Ashley, M. C. B., Casperson, D., Gisler, G., Henden, A., Marshall, S., McGowan, K., McKay, T., Phillips, M. A., Rykoff, E., Shectman , S., Vestrand, W. T., and Wozniak, P., 2002,
Discovery of the CV ROTSE3 J015118.59-022300.1,
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 5226, 1.
[A49] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., and Storey, J. W. V., 2002,
Observations of the Antarctic infrared sky spectral brightness,
Proc. SPIE, Volume 4836, 176–179.
[A48] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., and Storey, J. W. V., 2002,
Design and performance of the Douglas Mawson telescope,
Proc. SPIE, Volume 4836, 129–137.
[A47] Storey, J. W. V., Burton, M. G., and Ashley, M. C. B., 2002,
Antarctica as a launchpad for space astronomy missions,
Proc. SPIE, Volume 4835, 110–114.
[A46] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Calisse, P. G., Everett, J. R., Pernic, R. J., Phillips, A., and Storey, J. W. V., 2002,
Operation of the Near Infrared Sky Monitor at the South Pole,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 19, 328–336.
[A45] Lazendic, J. S., Wardle, M., Burton, M. G., Yusef-Zadeh, F., Whiteoak, J. B., Green, A. J., and Ashley, M. C. B., 2002,
Shocked molecular gas towards G359.1-0.5 and the Snake,
MNRAS, 331, 537–544.
[A44] Rathborne, J. M., Burton, M. G., Brooks, K. J., Cohen, M., Ashley, M. C. B., and Storey, J. W. V., 2002,
Photodissociation regions and star formation in the Carina nebula,
MNRAS, 331, 85–97.
[A43] Yusef-Zadeh, F., Stolovy, S. R., Burton, M., Wardle, M., and Ashley, M. C. B., 2001,
High spectral and spatial resolution HST observations of shocked molecular hydrogen at the Galactic Center,
Astrophysical Journal, 560, 749–762.
[A42] Burton, M. G., Storey, J. W. V., and Ashley, M. C. B., 2001,
Science goals for Antarctic infrared telescopes,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 18, 158–165.
[A41] Lee, J-K, Walsh, A. J., Burton, M. G., Ashley, M. C. B., and Storey, J. W. V., 2001,
Discovery of molecular hydrogen line emission associated with methanol maser emission,
MNRAS, 324, 1102–1108.
[A40] Sheppard, S. S., Jewitt, C. A., Trujillo, C. A., Brown, M. J. I, and Ashley, M. C. B., 2000,
A Wide-Field CCD Survey for Centaurs and Kuiper Belt Objects,
Astronomical Journal, 120, 2687–2694.
[A39] Chamberlain, M. A., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Phillips, A., Storey, J. W. V. and Harper, D. A., 2000,
Mid-infrared observing conditions at the South Pole,
Astrophysics Journal, 535, 501–511.
[A38] Brooks, K. J., Burton, M. G., Rathborne, J. M., Ashley, M. C. B. and Storey, J. W. V., 2000,
Unlocking the Keyhole—H2 and PAH emission from molecular clumps in the Keyhole Nebula,
MNRAS, 319, 95–102.
[A37] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., and Burton, M. G., 2000,
Novel instruments for site characterization,
Proc. SPIE, Volume 4008, 1376–1382.
[A36] Burton, M. G., Storey, J. W. V., and Ashley, M. C. B., 2000,
Science goals for an antarctic large infrared telescope,
Proc. SPIE, Volume 4005, 326–332.
[A35] Burton, M. G., Ashley, M. C. B., Marks, R. D., Schinckel, A. E., Storey, J. W. V., Fowler, A., Merrill, M., Sharp, N., Gatley, I., Harper, A., Loewenstein, R., Mrozek, F., Jackson, J. and Kraemer, K., 2000,
High resolution imaging of photo-dissociation regions in NGC 6334,
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[A34] Phillips, A., Burton, M. G., Ashley, M. C. B., Storey, J. W. V., Lloyd, J. P., Harper, D. A., and Bally, J., 1999,
The Near-Infrared Sky Emission at the South Pole in Winter,
Astrophysical Journal, 527, 1009–1022.
[A33] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Boccas, M., Phillips, M. A. and Schinckel, A. E. T., 1999,
Infrared sky brightness monitors for Antarctica,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 111, 765–771.
[A32] Allen, L. E., Burton, M. G., Ryder, S. D., Ashley, M. C. B. and Storey, J. W. V., 1999,
Fluorescent molecular hydrogen line in the Eagle Nebula,
MNRAS, 304, 98–108.
[A31] Stankov, A., Ashley, M. C. B., Breger, M., and Prouton, O., 1998,
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[A30] Ryder, S. D., Sun, Y-S, Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Allen, L. E., and Storey, J. W. V., 1998,
UNSWIRF: A tunable imaging spectrometer for the near-infrared,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 15, 228–239.
[A29] Boccas, M., Ashley, M. C. B., Phillips, A., Schinckel, A., and Storey, J. W. V., 1998,
Antarctic Fiber Optic Spectrometer,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 110, 306–316.
[A28] Allen, L. E., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Ryder, S. D., Storey, J. W. V., and Sun, Y-S, 1998,
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Proc. SPIE, 3354, 1165–1169.
[A27] Fowler, A. M., Sharp, N., Ball, W., Schinckel, A., Ashley, M., Boccas, M., Storey, J., Depoy, D., Martini, M., Harper, A., and Marks, R., 1998,
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[A26] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., and Phillips, M. A., 1998,
Site Conditions for Astronomy at the South Pole,
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[A25] Ryder, S. D., Allen, L. E., Burton, M. G., Ashley, M. C. B., and Storey, J. W. V., 1998,
Molecular Hydrogen Line Emission from the Reflection Nebula Parsamyan 18,
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[A24] Davies, R. I., Forbes, D. A., Ryder, S. D., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Storey, J. W. V., Allen, L. E., Ward, M. J., and Norris, R. P., 1997,
Near-Infrared Line and Radio Continuum Imaging of the Circinus Galaxy,
MNRAS, 293, 189–196.
[A23] Marks, R. D., Vernin, J., Azouit, M., Briggs, J. W., Burton, M. G., Ashley, M. C. B., and Manigault, J.-F., 1996,
Antarctic site testing—microthermal measurements of surface-layer seeing at the South Pole,
Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement, 118, 385–390.
[A22] Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Storey, J. W. V., Lloyd, J. P., Bally, J., Briggs, J. W., and Harper, D. A., 1996,
South Pole Observations of the Near-infrared Sky Brightness,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 108, 721–723.
[A21] Ashley, M. C. B., Brooks, P. W. and Lloyd, J. P., 1996,
Remote control of astronomical instruments via the Internet,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 13, 17–21.
[A20] Burton, M. G., Ashley, M. C. B., Storey, J. W. V., Dopita, M. A., Lancon, A., Mould, J. R., Wood, P. R., Hall, P., and Duldig, M., 1996,
JACARA's Plans,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 13, 33–34.
[A19] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B. and Burton, M. G., 1996,
An Automated Astrophysical Observatory for Antarctica,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 13, 35–38.
[A18] Shortridge, K., Meatheringham, S. J., Carter, B. D. and Ashley, M. C. B., 1995,
Making the Figaro Data Reduction System Portable,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 12, 244–247.
[A17] Sun, Y-S, Ashley, M. C. B., and Storey, J. W. V., 1995,
Wide-field near-infrared all-reflecting camera with Fabry-Perot for astronomy,
Proc. SPIE, Volume 2552, 22–32.
[A16] Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Lloyd, J. P., and Storey, J. W. V., 1995,
Near-infrared sky brightness monitor for the South Pole,
Proc. SPIE, Volume 2552, 33–43.
[A15] Edelson, R., Krolik, J., Madejski, G., Maraschi, L., Pike, G., Urry, C. M., Brinkman, W., Courvoisier, T. J-L, Ellithorpe, J., Horne, K., Treves, A., Wagner, S., Wamsteker, W., Warwick, R., Aller, H. D., Ashley, M. C. B., Blecha, A., Bouchet, P., Bratschi, P., Bregman, J. N., Carini, M., Celotti, A., Donahue, M., Feigelson, E., Filippenko, A. V., Fink, H., George, I., Glass, I., Heidt, J., Hewitt, J., Hughes, P., Kollgaard, R., Kondo, Y., Koratkar, A., Leighly, K., Marscher, A., Martin, P. G., Matheson, T., Miller, H. R., Noble, J. C., O'Brien, P., Pian, E., Reichert, G., Saken, J. M., Shull, J. M., Sitko, M., Smith, P. S., Sun, W-H, and Tagliaferri, G., 1995,
Multi-wavelength Monitoring of the BL Lac Object PKS 2155-304. IV. Multi-wavelength Analysis,
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[A14] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Naray, M. and Lloyd, J. P., 1994,
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[A13] Carter, B. D., Bembrick, C. S., Ashley, M. C. B. and Mitchell, P., 1994,
The University of New South Wales Automated Patrol Telescope,
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[A12] Burton, M. G., Aitken, D. K., Allen, D. A., Ashley, M. C. B., Cannon, R. D., Carter, B. D., DaCosta, G. S., Dopita, M. A., Duldig, M. L., Edwards, P. G., Gillingham, P. R., Hall, P. J., Hyland, A. R., McGregor, P. J., Mould, J. R., Norris, R. P., Sadler, E. M., Smith, C. H., Spyromilio, J. and Storey, J. W. V., 1994,
The scientific potential of the Antarctic Plateau for Astronomy,
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[A11] Henderson, J., Oitmaa, J., and Ashley, M. C. B., 1992,
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[A9] Carter, B. D., Ashley, M. C. B., Sun, Y-S, and Storey, J. W. V., 1992,
Redesigning a Baker-Nunn Camera for CCD Imaging,
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[A8] Ashley, M. C. B. and Jurcevic, J. S., 1991,
A Cloud Detector for Automated Telescopes,
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[A7] Carter, B. D. and Ashley, M. C. B., 1991,
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[A6] Ashley, M. C. B., 1990,
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[A5] Ashley, M. C. B. and Hyland, A. R., 1988,
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Category B (conference proceedings, non-refereed)
[B78] Hansen, Kylie Y., De, Kishalay, Ashley, Michael C. B., Kasliwal, Mansi M., Delacroix, Alexander, Greffe, Tim, Hale, David, Hankins, Matthew J., Lau, Ryan, Li, Chengkui, McKenna, Daniel, Moore, Anna M., Ofek, Eran O., Smith, Roger M., Soon, Jamie, Soria, Roberto, Srinivasaragavan, Gokul P., Travouillon, Tony, 2021,
Second Timescale Photometry of the Very Fast Nova V1674 Her with Palomar Gattini-IR,
Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, {5}, 244., doi:10.3847/2515-5172/ac3256, Oct/2021
[B77] CTA Consortium, T., :, Abchiche, A., Abeysekara, U., Abril, \'O., Acero, F., Acharya, B. S., Adams, C., Agnetta, G., Aharonian, F., et al., 2016,
Contributions of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to the 6th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma 2016),
ArXiv e-prints
[B76] Lawrence, J., Ashley, M., Burton, M., Cui, X., Churilov, V., Content, R., Gillingham, P., Glazebrook, K., Gu, B., Ireland, M., Jiang, X., Lu, H., Moore, A., Mould, J., Staszak, N. F., Tims, J., Tuthill, P., Wang, L., Yuan, X., Zhang, K., Zhelem, R., Zheng, J., 2016,
The AST3-NIR camera for the Kunlun Infrared Sky Survey,
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 9908, 990851., doi:10.1117/12.2233317, Aug/2016
[B75] Fu, J. N., Zong, W. K., Yang, Y., Moore, A., Ashley, M. C. B., Cui, X. Q., Feng, L. L., Gong, X. F., Lawrence, J. S., Luong-Van, D., Liu, Q., Pennypacker, C. R., Shang, Z. H., Storey, J. W. V., Wang, L. Z., Wang, L. F., Yang, H. G., Yuan, X. Y., York, D. G., Zhou, X., Zhu, Z. H., 2014,
Asteroseismology from Dome A, Antarctica,
IAU Symposium, 301, 409–410., doi:10.1017/S1743921313014798, Feb/2014
[B74] Okita, H., Takato, N., Ichikawa, T., Bonner, C. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Storey, J. W. V., 2013,
Dome Fuji Seeing—the Summer Results and the Future Winter-over Observations,
IAU Symposium, 288, 25–28., doi:10.1017/S1743921312016626, Jan/2013
[B73] Zhou, X., Ashley, M. C. B., Cui, X., Feng, L., Gong, X., Hu, J., Jiang, Z., Kulesa, C. A., Lawrence, J. S., Liu, G., Luong-Van, D. M., Ma, J., Macri, L. M., Meng, Z., Moore, A. M., Qin, W. , Shang, Z., Storey, J. W. V., Sun, B. and Travouillon, T., Walker, C. K., Wang, J., Wang, L., Wang, L., Wang, S., Wu, J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Yan, J. , Yang, J., Yang, H., Yao, Y., Yuan, X. and York, D., Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., Zhou, J., Zhu, Z., Zou, H., 2013,
Progress and Results from the Chinese Small Telescope ARray (CSTAR),
IAU Symposium, 288, 231–238., doi:10.1017/S1743921312016936, Jan/2013
[B72] Wang, L., Macri, L. M., Wang, L., Ashley, M. C. B., Cui, X., Feng, L. L., Gong, X., Lawrence, J. S. , Liu, Q., Luong-Van, D., Pennypacker, C. R. and Shang, Z., Storey, J. W. V., Yang, H., Yang, J., Yuan, X. , York, D. G., Zhou, X., Zhu, Z., Zhu, Z., 2013,
Photometry of Variables from Dome A, Antarctica,
IAU Symposium, 288, 320–321., doi:10.1017/S1743921312017127, Jan/2013
[B71] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Storey, J. W. V. , 2013,
Autonomous observatories for the Antarctic plateau,
IAU Symposium, 288, 6–14., doi:10.1017/S1743921312016602, Jan/2013
[B70] Ashley, M. C. B., 2013,
Site characteristics of the high Antarctic plateau,
IAU Symposium, 288, 15–24., doi:10.1017/S1743921312016614, Jan/2013
[B69] Moore, A. M., Yang, Y., Fu, J., Ashley, M. C. B., Cui, X., Feng, L. L., Gong, X., Hu, Z., Lawrence, J. S., Luong-Van, D. M., Riddle, R., Shang, Z., Sims, G., Storey, J. W. V., Tothill, N. F. H., Travouillon, T., Wang, L., Yang, H., Yang, J., Zhou, X., Zhu, Z., 2013,
Winter sky brightness and cloud cover at Dome A, Antarctica,
IAU Symposium, 288, 34–37., doi:10.1017/S174392131201664X, Jan/2013
[B68] Sims, G., Ashley, M. C. B., Cui, X., Feng, L. L., Gong, X., Hu, Z., Lawrence, J. S., Luong-Van, D. M., Shang, Z., Storey, J. W. V., Tothill, N., Wang, L., Yang, H., Yang, J., Zhou, X., Zhu, Z., 2013,
First look at HRCAM images from Dome A, Antarctica,
IAU Symposium, 288, 38–41., doi:10.1017/S1743921312016651, Jan/2013
[B67] Kulesa, C. A., Ashley, M. C. B., Augarten, Y., Bonner, C. S., Burton, M. G., Bycroft, L., Lawrence, J., Lesser, D. H., Loomis, J., Luong-Van, D. M., Martin, C. L., McLaren, C., Stapleton, S., Storey, J. W. V., Swift, B. J., Tothill, N. F. H., Walker, C. K., Young, A. G., 2013,
Opportunities for Terahertz Facilities on the High Plateau,
IAU Symposium, 288, 256–263., doi:10.1017/S1743921312016973, Jan/2013
[B66] Sims, G., Ashley, M. C. B., Cui, X., Everett, J. R., Feng, L., Gong, X., Hengst, S., Hu, Z., Lawrence, J. S., Luong-Van, D. M., Moore, A. M., Riddle, R., Shang, Z., Storey, J. W. V., Tothill, N., Travouillon, T., Wang, L., Yang, H., Yang, J., Zhou, X., Zhu, Z., 2013,
Airglow and Aurorae from Dome A, Antarctica,
IAU Symposium, 288, 302–303., doi:10.1017/S1743921312017048, Jan/2013
[B65] Sims, G., Kulesa, C., Ashley, M. C. B., Lawrence, J. S., Saunders, W., Storey, J. W. V., 2013,
Where is Ridge A?,
IAU Symposium, 288, 304–305., doi:10.1017/S174392131201705X, Jan/2013
[B64] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Augarten, Y., Bonner, C. S., Burton, M. G., Bycroft, L. and Everett, J. R., Lawrence, J. S., Luong-Van, D., McDaid, S. and McLaren, C., Summers, G., 2012,
The PLATO Robotic Antarctic observatory design and development program,
Astronomical Society of India Conference Series, 7, 97.
[B63] Shi, S.-C., Paine, S., Yao, Q.-J., Len, Z.-H., Li, X.-X., Duan, W.-Y., Matsuo, H., Zhang, Q. , Yang, J., Ashley, M. C. B., Zhao-Hui, S., Zhong-Wen, H., 2012,
THz atmospheric transmission measured at antarctic Dome A,
37th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 23-28 Sept. 2012, p. 1-2
[B62] Wang, L., Angel, R., Ashley, M., Chen, X., Cui, X., Depoy, D., Feng, L., Jing, Y., Kerins, E., Lawrence, J., Macri, L., Mao, S., Moore, A., Pennypacker, C., Rattenbury, N., Riddle, R., Shang, Z., Smoot, G., Storey, J., Suntzeff, N., Travouillon, T., Yan, J., York, D., Yuan, X., Zhang, X., Zheng, W., Zhu, Z., 2009,
Astronomy on Antarctic Plateau,
Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, No. 308.
[B61] York, D. G., Wang, L., Pennypacker, C., Cui, X., Lamb, D., Khokhlov, Ashley, M., Basa, S., Blouke, M., Cui, W., Gyuk, G., Holz, D., Hammergren, M., Lawrence, J., Malina, R., Moore, A., Riddle, R., Storey, J., Travouillon, T., Wilhite, B., 2009,
Time Domain Research in Astronomy,
Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, No. 329.
[B60] Epchtein, N., Abe, L., Ansorge, W., Langlois, M., Vauglin, I., Argentini, S., Esau, I., David, C., Bryson, I., Dalton, G., Ashley, M. C. B., Lawrence, J. S. , 2011,
A project for an infrared synoptic survey from Antarctica with the Polar Large Telescope (PLT),
SF2A-2011: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics Eds.: G. Alecian, K. Belkacem, R. Samadi and D. Valls-Gabaud, pp.107-110, 107–110.
[B59] Ashley, M. C. B., Allen, G., Bonner, C. S., Bradley, S. G., Cui, X., Everett, J. R., Feng, L., Gong, X., Hengst, S., Hu, J., Jiang, Z., Kulesa, C. A., Lawrence, J. S., Li, Y., Luong-Van, D. M., McCaughrean, M. J., Moore, A. M., Pennypacker, C., Qin, W., Riddle, R., Shang, Z., Storey, J. W. V., Sun, B., Suntzeff, N., Tothill, N. F. H., Travouillon, T., Walker, C. K., Wang, L., Yan, J., Yang, H., York, D. G., Yuan, X., Zhang, X., Zhang, Z., Zhou, X., Zhu, Z., 2010,
The PLATO observatory: robotic astronomy from the Antarctic plateau,
Highlights of Astronomy, 15, 627–629., doi:10.1017/S1743921310010811, Oct/2010
[B58] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Gillingham, P. R., McGrath, A., Haynes, R., Saunders, W., Storey, J. W. V., 2010,
Dome C site testing: implications for science and technology of future telescopes,
EAS Publications Series, 40, 33–43., doi:10.1051/eas/1040004
[B57] Gong, X., Wang, L., Cui, X., Feng, L., Yuan, X., Ashley, M. C. B., Allen, G., Bonner, C. S., Bradley, S. G., Everett, J. R., Hengst, S., Hu, J., Jiang, Z., Kulesa, C. A., Lawrence, J. S., Li, Y., Luong-van, D. M., McCaughrean, M. J., Moore, A. M., Pennypacker, C., Qin, W., Riddle, R., Shang, Z., Storey, J. W. V., Sun, B., Suntzeff, N., Tothill, N. F. H., Travouillon, T., Walker, C. K., Yan, J., Yang, H., Yang, J., York, D. G., Zhang, X., Zhang, Z., Zhou, X., Zhu, Z., 2010,
Dome A site testing and future plans,
EAS Publications Series, 40, 65–72., doi:10.1051/eas/1040007
[B56] Ashley, M. C. B., Allen, G., Bonner, C. S., Bradley, S. G., Cui, X., Everett, J. R., Feng, L., Gong, X., Hengst, S., Hu, J., Jiang, Z., Kulesa, C. A., Lawrence, J. S., Li, Y., Luong-van, D. M., McCaughrean, M. J., Moore, A. M., Pennypacker, C., Qin, W., Riddle, R., Shang, Z., Storey, J. W. V., Sun, B., Suntzeff, N., Tothill, N. F. H., Travouillon, T., Walker, C. K., Wang, L., Yan, J., Yang, H., Yang, J., York, D. G., Yuan, X., Zhang, X., Zhang, Z., Zhou, X., Zhu, Z., 2010,
PLATO—a robotic observatory for the Antarctic plateau,
EAS Publications Series, 40, 79–84., doi:10.1051/eas/1040009
[B55] Saunders, W., Lawrence, J. S., Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Kato, S., Minnis, P., Winker, D. M., Liu, G., Kulesa, C., 2010,
The best site on Earth?,
EAS Publications Series, 40, 89–96., doi:10.1051/eas/1040011
[B54] Tothill, N. F. H., Kulesa, C. A., Walker, C. K., Yang, J., Ashley, M. C. B., Lawrence, J. S., Luong-van, D., Storey, J. W. V., Yang, H., Zhou, X., Zhu, Z., Bardin, J., Cui, X., Everett, J., Feng, L., Golish, D., Gong, X., Hu, J., Jacobs, K., Jiang, Z., Jones, G., Li, Y., Martin, C. L., McCaughrean, M. J., Qin, W., Schein, M., Shang, Z., Siegel, P., Sun, B., Walsh, W., Wang, L., Weinreb, S., Xu, Z., Yan, J., Yuan, X., Zhang, X.-G., 2010,
THz Astrophysics from Dome A,
EAS Publications Series, 40, 275–280., doi:10.1051/eas/1040040
[B53] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Lawrence, J. S. , 2009,
How We Can Understand the Antarctic Atmosphere?,
Proceedings of the Optical Turbulence Characterization for Astronomical Applications Sardinia, Italy, 15 - 18 September 2008, edited by Elena Masciadri (Instituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy) & Marc Sarazin (European Southern Observatory, Germany), pp.82–89.
[B52] Bonner, C. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Lawrence, J. S., Luong-van, D. M., Storey, J. W. V., 2009,
SNODAR II: Probing the Atmospheric Boundary Layer on the Antarctic Plateau,
Proceedings of the Optical Turbulence Characterization for Astronomical Applications Sardinia, Italy, 15 - 18 September 2008, edited by Elena Masciadri (Instituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy) & Marc Sarazin (European Southern Observatory, Germany), pp.264–270.
[B51] Yuan, F., Rykoff, E. S., Schaefer, B. E., Rujopakarn, W., Güver, T., Aharonian, F., Akerlof, C. W., Ashley, M. C. B., Barthelmy, S. D., Gehrels, N., Gögüş, E., Horns, D., Kızıloğlu, Ü., Krimm, H. A., McKay, T. A., Özel, M., Phillips, A., Quimby, R. M., Rowell, G., Swan, H. F., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., Wren, J., 2008,
Prompt optical observations of GRB 080330 and GRB 080413A,
American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 1065, 103–106., doi:10.1063/1.3027891, Oct/2008
[B50] Tothill, N. F. H., Kulesa, C. A., Walker, C. K., Ashley, M. C. B., Bonner, C., Cui, X., Everett, J., Feng, L., Hengst, S., Hu, J., Jiang, Z., Lawrence, J. S., Li, Y., Luong-van, D., Moore, A. M., Pennypacker, C., Qin, W., Riddle, R., Storey, J. W. V., Shang, Z., Sun, B., Travouillon, T., Wang, L., Xu, Z., Yang, H., Yan, J., York, D. G., Yuan, X., Zhu, Z., 2008,
Astrophysics from Dome A,
EAS Publications Series, 33, 301–306., doi:10.1051/eas:0833045
[B49] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Lawrence, J. S., Saunders, W., 2008,
PILOT-like telescope potential,
EAS Publications Series, 33, 207–211., doi:10.1051/eas:0833026
[B48] Moore, A. M., Leslie, T., Ashley, M. C. B., Aristidi, E., Bedding, T., Briguglio, R., Busso, M., Candidi, M., Cutispoto, G., Distefano, E., Everett, J., Kenyon, S., Lawrence, J., Le Roux, B., Luong-van, D., Phillips, A., Ragazzoni, R., Sabbatini, L., Salinari, P., Stello, D., Storey, J. W. V., Taylor, M., Tosti, G., Travouillon, T. , 2008,
The Dome C Gattini sky brightness cameras: results from the first year of operation,
EAS Publications Series, 33, 13–19., doi:10.1051/eas:0833004
[B47] Kenyon, S. L., Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Storey, J. W. V., Tokovinin, A., Fossat, E., 2007,
Atmospheric scintillation at Dome C, Antarctica,
Highlights of Astronomy, 14, 698–699., doi:10.1017/S1743921307012318, Aug/2007
[B46] Storey, J. W. V., Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B. , 2007,
Site-testing in Antarctica,
Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series, 31, 25–29.
[B45] Christiansen, J. L., Hidas, M. G., Ashley, M. C. B., Webb, J. K., Hamacher, D., Young, T., Lopez-Morales, M. , 2007,
Byproducts of the University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search,
Transiting Extrasolar Planets Workshop, 366, 102–+.
[B44] Hidas, M. G., Webb, J. K., Ashley, M. C. B., Phillips, M. A., Christiansen, J. L., Hamacher, D., Curran, S. J., Irwin, M., Aigrain, S., Irwin, J. , 2007,
The University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search,
Transiting Extrasolar Planets Workshop, 366, 45–+.
[B43] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., and Lawrence, J. S., 2007,
PILOT—the Pathfinder for an International Large Optical Telescope,,
Proceedings of the 1st ARENA Conference (Eds. N. Epchtein, M. Candidi & M. Swain), EAS Publications Series, 25, 255–259.
[B42] Moore, A., Aristidi, E., Ashley, M., Briguglio, R., Busso, M., Candidi, M., Everett, J., Kenyon, S., Lawrence, J., Le Roux, B., Luong-Van, D., Phillips, A., Ragazzoni, R., Salinari, P., Storey, J., Taylor, M., Tosti G., and Travouillon, T., 2007,
The Gattini Cameras for optical sky brightness measurements at Dome C, Antarctica,
Proceedings of the 1st ARENA Conference (Eds. N. Epchtein, M. Candidi & M. Swain), EAS Publications Series, 25, 35–41.
[B41] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Bonner, C. S., Bradley, S., Luong-Van D., and Storey, J. W. V., 2007,
Characterisation of the Dome C atmospheric boundary layer with a non-Doppler acoustic radar,
Proceedings of the 1st ARENA Conference (Eds. N. Epchtein, M. Candidi & M. Swain), EAS Publications Series, 31–34.
[B40] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., and Lawrence, J. S., 2006,
What a really big Antarctic telescope could achieve,
Visions for Infrared Astronomy, Revue des Systemes RS serie I2M (Eds. V. Coude du Foresto, D. Ruan & G. Rousset), 6, 61–66.
[B39] Yost, S. A., Rykoff, E. S., Aharonian, F. A., Akerlof, C. W., Ashley, M. C., Barthelmy, S. D., Gehrels, N., Göğüş, E., Güver, T., Horns, D., Kızıloğlu, Ü., Krimm, H. A., McKay, T. A., Mirabal, N., Özel, M., Phillips, M. A., Quimby, R. M., Rowell, G., Rujopakarn, W., Schaefer, B. E., Smith, D. A., Swan, H. F., Vestrand, W. T., Wheeler, J. C., Wren, J., and Yuan, F., 2006,
ROTSE-III Performance in the Swift Era,
Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era, Sixteenth Maryland Astrophysics Conference, held 29 November–2 December, 2005 in Washington, DC. Edited by S.S. Holt, N. Gehrels, and J.A. Nousek. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 838. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics, pp.349–352.
[B38] Christiansen, Jessie L., Ashley, M. C. B., Hidas, M. G., Webb, J. K., Phillips, A., Irwin, M. and Irwin, J., 2006,
Searching for Extrasolar Planets from UNSW,
Direct Imaging of Exoplanets: Science & Techniques. Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium #200, Edited by C. Aime and F. Vakili. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp.193–198
[B37] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G. and Storey, J. W. V., 2006,
Exoplanet detection from Dome C, Antarctica: opportunities and challenges,
Direct Imaging of Exoplanets: Science & Techniques. Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium #200, Edited by C. Aime and F. Vakili. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp.297–300
[B36] Derekas, A., Kiss, L. L., Csak, B., Griffin, J., Lindstrom, C., Meszaros, Sz., Szekely, P., Ashley, M. C. B., and Bedding, T. R., 2006,
Binarity and multiperiodicity in high-amplitude delta Scuti stars,
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 517–518.
[B35] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., and Lawrence, J. S., 2005,
Automated Site Testing from Antarctica,
EAS Publications Series, Volume 14, 2005, pp.7–12.
[B34] Ashley, M. C. B., Lawrence, J. S., Storey, J. W. V., and Tokovinin, A., 2005,
Mass seeing measurements from Dome C,
EAS Publications Series, Volume 14, 2005, pp.19–24.
[B33] Lawrence, J. S., Burton, M. G., Ashley, M. C. B., and Storey, J. W. V., 2005,
Pathfinder for an International Large Optical Telescope,
EAS Publications Series, Volume 14, 2005, pp.321–324.
[B32] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Lloyd, J. P., and Storey, J. W. V., 2005,
The Unique Antarctic Atmosphere: Implications for Adaptive Optics,
Science with Adaptive Optics, Proceedings of the ESO Workshop Held at Garching, Germany, 16–19 September 2003. Edited by W. Brandner and M. E. Kasper, pp.111–116.
[B31] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., and Lawrence, J. S., 2005,
Beyond Dome C,
Highlights of Astronomy, ASP Conference Series, 13, (Eds. Engvold, O, and Burton, M. G.), 955–956.
[B30] Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Calisse, P. G., Phillips, A., and Storey, J. W. V., 2005,
Site testing at Dome C—cloud statistics from the ICECAM experiment,
Highlights of Astronomy, ASP Conference Series, 13, (Eds. Engvold, O, and Burton, M. G.), 936–938.
[B29] Christiansen, J. L., Ashley, M. C. B., Webb, J. K., and Hidas, M. G, 2005.,
Searching for Extrasolar Planets from UNSW,
Protostars and Planets V, Proceedings of the Conference held October 24-28, 2005, in Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii. LPI Contribution No. 1286., p.8191
[B28] Storey, J. W. V., Calisse, P. G., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Lawrence, J. S., Travouillon, T., Phillips, M. A., Radford, S. J. E., and Peterson, J. B., 2004,
Dome C, Antarctica: The Best Accessible Sub-millimetre Site on the Planet?,
Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 91. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2004, p.353.
[B27] Storey, J. W. V., Burton, M. G., and Ashley, M. C. B., 2004,
Antarctica as a stepping stone to space,
Second Workshop on New Concepts for Far-Infrared and Submillimeter Space Astronomy, NASA/CP-2003-212233, 264–268 Eds. D.J. Benford and D.T. Leisawitz
[B26] Martin, S., Alonso, R., Rodriguez, E., Ashley, M., Hidas, M., Kim, S.-L., Jeon, Y.-B., Akan, C., Poretti, E., Irwin, M., de Ugarte, A., Bossi, M., Zerbi, F. M., Suirez, J. C., and Hintz, E. G., 2004,
Summer 2002 photometric multisite campaign on the open cluster NGC 6633,
in: Second Eddington Workshop: Stellar structure and habitable planet finding, 9 - 11 April 2003, Palermo, Italy. Edited by F. Favata, S. Aigrain and A. Wilson. ESA SP-538, Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-848-4, 349–353.
[B25] Hidas, M. G., Webb, J. K., Ashley, M. C. B., Lineweaver, C. H., Anderson, J., and Irwin, M., 2004,
Searching for Extrasolar Planets Using Transits,
Proceedings of IAU Symposium 213. Edited by R. Norris, and F. Stootman. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p.77.
[B24] Caldwell, D. A., Borucki, W. J., Showen, R. L., Jenkins, J. M., Doyle, L., Ninkov, Z., and Ashley, M., 2004,
Detecting Extrasolar Planet Transits from the South Pole,
Proceedings of IAU Symposium 213. Edited by R. Norris, and F. Stootman. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p.93.
[B23] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Calisse, P. G., Dempsey, J. T., Everett, J. R., Mather, O., Storey, J. W. V., and Travoullion, T., 2003,
The AASTINO: Automated Astrophysical Site Testing International Observatory,
in: Proceedings of the Conference on Towards Other Earths: DARWIN/TPF and the Search for Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets, 22–25 April 2003, Heidelberg, Germany. Edited by M. Fridlund, T. Henning, compiled by H. Lacoste. ESA SP-539, Noordwijk, Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-849-2, 497–501.
[B22] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., and Lawrence, J. S., 2003,
The Antarctic plateau: what it offers as a testbed for space,
in: Proceedings of the Conference on Towards Other Earths: DARWIN/TPF and the Search for Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets, 22–25 April 2003, Heidelberg, Germany. Edited by M. Fridlund, T. Henning, compiled by H. Lacoste. ESA SP-539, Noordwijk, Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-849-2, 621–623.
[B21] Hidas, M. G., Webb, J. K., Ashley, M. C. B., Hunt, M., Anderson, J., and Irwin, M., 2003,
A Transit Search for ExtrasolarPlanets with the 0.5m Automated Patrol Telescope,
The Proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Eds. S. Ikeuchi, J. Hearnshaw, T. Hanawa. 65–68.
[B20] Hidas, M. G., Webb, J. K., Ashley, M. C. B., Lineweaver, C. H., Anderson, J., and Irwin, M., 2003,
An Automated Search for Extrasolar Planet Transits,
ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 294, Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets, ed. D. Deming & S Seager, 383–386.
[B19] Salvo, M. E., Schmidt, B. P., Ashley, M. C. B., and Phillips, A., 2003,
Looking for supernovae in the southern sky,
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 74, 953.
[B18] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Calisse, P. G., Dempsey, J. T., Everett, J. R., Maher, O., Storey, J. W. V., and Travouillon, T., 2003,
The AASTINO: Automated Astrophysical Site Testing INvincible Observatory,
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement, 2, 217–220.
[B17] Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., and Storey, J. W. V., 2003,
Australian plans at Concordia,
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement, 2, 88–91.
[B16] Dempsey, J. T., Storey, J. W. V., and Ashley, M. C. B., 2003,
COBBER: A Pocket Cloud Detector for Dome C,
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement, 2, 70–73.
[B15] Travouillon, T, Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Lawrence, J. S., and Storey, J. W. V., 2003,
Low atmosphere turbulence at Dome C—preliminary results,
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement, 2, 150.
[B14] Storey, J. W. V., Ashley, M. C. B., Lawrence, J. S., and Burton, M. G., 2003,
Dome C—the best astronomical site in the world?,
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement, 2, 13–18.
[B13] Smith, D., Akerlof, C., Ashley, M. C. B., Casperson, D., Gisler, G., Kehoe, R., Marshall, S., McGowan, K., McKay, T., Phillips, M. A., Rykoff, E., Vestrand, W. T., Wozniak, P., and Wren, J., 2003,
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[B12] Travouillon, T., Ashley, M. C. B., Burton, M. G., Calisse, P. G., Everett, J. R., Lawrence, J. S., and Storey, J. W. V., 2002,
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[B9] Smith, D., Akerlof, C., Ashley, M. C. B., Casperson, D., Gisler, G., Kehoe, R., Marshall, S., McGowan, K., McKay, T., Phillips, M. A., Rykoff, E., Vestrand, W. T., Wozniak, P., and Wren, J., 2001,
The ROTSE-IIIa Telescope System,
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First Results from Abu on SPIREX: Wide-Field Imaging of NGC 6334,
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 194, 7117.
[B7] Burton, M. G., Ashley, M. C. B., and Storey, J. W. V, 1998,
Australia's astronomy program on the antarctic plateau,
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[B5] Storey, J. W. V., Burton, M. G., and Ashley, M. C. B., 1998,
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IR Fabry-Perot imaging of NGC 3132,
in IAU Symposium 180: Planetary Nebulae (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p205, ed. H. Habing and H. Lamers.
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Astronomy with the Automated Patrol Telescope,
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Last updated on Sat Sep 21 18:04:44 EST 2024