Saxophone Quartet

Arrangement for saxophone quartet of Wolfe's Quartet for flute, alto saxophone, bassoon and cello
by Ellis Hendriksen of the El Bimaci Saxophone Quartet.
    1. Fast and syncopated, then steady
    2. Andante
    3. Minimal movement
    4. Waltz
    5. Brisk but unhurried

close up of saxophone

This music is shareware: you may download the music, play it and enjoy it. Please respect the following conditions:
The sheet music downloads in .pdf files. The parts are each about 40k for each movement and the score files about 60-80k each. The .pdf files look scrappy on the screen, but they print out clearly. If you don't have a suitable reader for pdf files, download Acrobat Reader. For the moment, the sound files are recordings of the original quartet, not the saxophone arrangement

About the composer. Joe Wolfe started writing music in the seventies and has since written sporadically for jazz and fusion groups, including incidental music for plays and films. He has written four orchestral works: "The Stairway Suite" is a set of orchestral variations on the pop song "Stairway to Heaven" in the styles of Schubert, Holst, Glen Miller, Mahler, Bizet and Beethoven; "Sydney Sketches" is a set of tone poems, each of which is based in different Sydney location at a different time of day.; "Conjunction" which is an 'interactive introduction to the orchestra', written for orchestra and primary school choir; and an "overture" to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the UNSW Orchestra. (mp3 files available)

Joe Wolfe / /61-2-9385 4954 (UT+10,+11 Oct-Mar)

The El Bimaci Saxophone Quartet

World-wide directory of free sheet music

A French site for saxophones that has interesting saxophone music and some great pics of saxophone construction.

Introduction to saxophone acoustics.