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How to login/logout

Logging in


Using a modem

Dial 385 5620 and type the following

<CR><CR>                               ! a couple of carriage-returns
csd3> cwn                              ! stands for campus-wide network
<CR><CR><CR><CR>                       ! some more carriage-returns
cwn> rlogin -l username  ! insert your username
Instead of the number you can type When you logout, you remain connected to ``cwn'' and you may then connect to another machine.


You will need special privileges on CSDVAX to be able to do this.

CSDVAX$ telnet

ULTRIX V4.0 (Rev. 179) (

login: mcba
Last login: Fri Nov 16 09:00:31 on :0

From the CANCES cluster or a cumulus machine

rlogin -l username

From a terminal connected to the LACE

Follow the instructions given under the section on dialing in using a modem, except omit dialing the number. Note: don't login to newt via another machine if you have LACE access, you will find the direct LACE connection is faster.

From a PC connected to the ethernet

This is a function of the particular ethernet card and software that you have purchased. In general, use telnet to login. If you are using Beame & Whiteside ftp, then type bw220.

Logging out

Type control-D, that is, hold down the control key, and press the ``d'' key at the same time. You can also simply type logout (it is possible to disable the effect of control-D if you don't like having a control character that logs you out, see man csh for details). Sometimes when you do this you will get the message `` you have stopped jobs''. This means that you have jobs in the background (put there by using ``&'' or by typing control-Z) which have halted for some reason (usually waiting for terminal input). You can ignore this warning and type control-D again, which will log you out and delete the stopped jobs. Otherwise, use the jobs command to find out what the jobs are, and use %n to reconnect to any which you want to continue. Note that deleting a stopped editing job may result in losing any files that you have not saved.

Logging in to other computers from newt

Logging in to CSDVAX


Logging in to the CANCES cluster

rlogin -l username

Note: if you wish to have an 8-bit data path (essential for running some programs, such as kermit), use the -8 switch on the rlogin command.

Logging in to the IBM 3090

Thankfully, the IBM 3090 was switched off in early 1994, saving the University over a million dollars a year. The money saved has disappeared.

Logging in to computers on AARNET or the Internet

Some example follow

rlogin -l crayuser
rlogin -l mike

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Michael C. B. Ashley
Fri Jun 28 13:34:23 EST 1996